


Background Introduction

Giftlab is the first English-language custom gift client of Hua & Hua, targeting the overseas market. In February 2022, Giftlab signed contract with Hua & Hua, hoping to establish Brand Equity from 0 to 1 through the Hua & Hua methods, achieve the goal of being known by more people, establish traffic sovereignty, reduce marketing and communication costs, and improve conversion efficiency.

Super Sign

A great brand is a great Sign System. By grafting the brand onto a Super Sign, a new brand can become an old friend of millions of consumers overnight, and establish brand preference. Considering that Giftlab is a custom gift website, we found the key prop - the gift box - in the gift-giving culture, enlarged the key feature of the bow, combined it with the surprised expression of receiving gifts, and finally created Giftlab's Super Sign and brand character - "Dr. Gift". From then on, Giftlab had a spokesperson. Dr. Gift is not only our most senior gift consultant, but also the brand's brand ambassador.

Brand Slogan

A successful brand slogan requires it to be clear at a glance, familiar at first sight, and spread easily by word of mouth. It's best to come from the common words and phrases used by the public, so that consumers are familiar with it and can help to spread it. We found the most common expression of surprise used by western consumers when receiving gifts - "oh my god". By leveraging the drama of the Giftlab brand name and product features, we created the brand slogan "oh my gift, oh my Giftlab". This phrase comes from the original words of consumers when receiving gifts, and has an inherent sense of surprise. We grafted the brand onto the powerful cultural force of "oh my god", gained strength, and everyone is familiar with this phrase. It became an expression with wings that can clearly indicate identity and value. "I am a gift brand, and I bring surprises to everyone."


After establishing new Super Signs and brand slogans for Giftlab, the first thing we did was  Meta-media coverage. The core meta-media for e-commerce brands is the carton box, which is both an advertising space and an information provider. It helps ecommerce brand gain exposure and creates unboxing experiences for consumers, increasing the likelihood of memories and repurchase.




正心術 立正學 走正道


正心術 立正學 走正道



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